Latest Projects
Project | 01
Project |01 Nature Paterns
Graphic representation of designs found in nature
This project represents the analysis and breakdown of some very interesting structures and systems found in nature.

Project level: Printed prototype
Project | 02
Project |Drinking Bottles (SIGG)
Rendering and brochure design.
Project level: Printed prototype
Project |03
Project |Get Fit
​Electronic Fitness Agenda
Application and logo design
Project level: working prototype or application simulation.
Project | 04
Project |Soy Importante
​Educational Game, Drug and Alcoholism Institute
Application and logo design
This project was developed for the Drug and Alcoholism Institute, as a tool to prevent future drug and alcohol abuse in children through self-awareness and self-esteem development.

Project level: working prototype or application simulation.

To see more or discuss possible work >>